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What Do The Ageing Need From Us?

Its sad – but it’s the way life goes, our much loved parents and grandparents – like all of us , are getting older. These are the elders we love, the people who were – and still are, always there for us.

They’re moving more slowly and grey hairs are popping up more and more each time we see them.

Now we are becoming the generation whose turn it is to step up – step up and be available to be the support to our parents that they were for us – in this crucial stage of their lives.

Yes, now they are a bit older, our parents or grandparents might love the fact that now they are free to do whatever they want to do – to do the things they never got the chance to do when they were carrying for us. At other times however, they may be isolated and lonely.

So, what can we do to help them stay healthy and happy? After all, most of us want the elderly in our lives that we treasure and love to feel content and comfortables.

As our loved ones grow older, they need certain requirements in their lives. Here are some of the ways we can help them feel their best and live their life to the fullest.

# Meaningful Relationships

As people get older, they become more aware of what’s important in life. 9 times out of 10 seniors will tell you nothing is more important than family.

So, it’s important to take the time to sit and listen to what they have to say. Or just hi and ask about their day.

It may seem like their problems are different from ours. Yet, the truth is, they worry about the same things we do: money, health, and relationships. They may just not have anyone to share their worries with.

#A Role in the Community

Seniors also need to build relationships outside the home and be part of their community. Feeling that you belong and are needed is crucial.

Studies show that the sense of belonging has the power to reduce stress, ward off illnesses. When they feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves, it adds meaning to their life. It also buffers feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Plus, it stimulates the release of feel-good hormones and improves our overall well-being. How can anyone say ‘no’ to that!

Being part of the community can come in the form of volunteer work. They can do simple tasks, like help out once a week at a homeless shelter or local soup kitchen.

There are also senior centers that offer a wide variety of programs. These programs are designed to bring seniors together to join in activities, such as:

  • Gardening
  • Crafts
  • Cooking
  • Book clubs
  • Exercise programs

# Daily Routine

Some seniors find that living by the moment is more exciting. Although, the majority enjoy having a daily routine more than spontaneity.

They actually view routine as a source of comfort and reliability. Part of their regular routine could be waking up at around the same time each day. Then, they head to the bathroom and change their clothes.

After that, they have a nutritious, well-balanced breakfast along with their morning cup of coffee. If they take any morning medications, now would be a good time. Finally, they would start getting ready for any planned activities or visits.

It’s important to have a weekly schedule already drawn out ahead of time. It gives seniors a sense of stability knowing what’s on their agenda.

In addition, it’s easier knowing what they have to prepare for beforehand. It also puts less stress on their memories when they can predict what will happen during the entire week.

# Physical Activity

Physical activity is important at any age. Yet, it’s more important as we get older to help maintain muscle mass and support joints. Not only that, but exercise has been proven to make us feel happy and reduce mental health problems.

For seniors, exercising can become a difficult and boring chore if not done right. The key to encouraging seniors to exercise is to offer simple, low-impact workouts they can do on their own.

Staying physically active reduces the risk of falls as it improves balance. It also increases both bone density and muscle strength.

# A Sense of Independence

No matter what anyone says, we all love being cared for, even seniors. Besides the pampering, you’ll notice that there are also quite a few things they need help with.

But there comes a time when you have to know when to take a step back and give the senior in your life some space. They still value their independence and self-reliance a great deal.

Being able to do things for themselves boosts their self-esteem. It’s also beneficial for their cognitive functions and keeps the brain in tiptop shape.

#A Final Note

Now that we’re aware of what our aging people need from us, we can offer the right type of care and support. This can range from helping out with daily tasks or lending a sympathetic ear.

The important thing is to be there for our seniors. They need to know that they’re a respected and honored part of the community and our lives.


Some Ideas on How to Improve Your Relationships With Friends

Friendship is a major part of our lives. We can’t exist without our friends and all the memories we share.

Our friends are the first ones we run to when we have good news or need a shoulder to cry on. At the same time, they’re also some of the people we take for granted most in our lives. If your friendships seem like they’re in troubled waters, we’re here to help.

In this hi-tech day and age, we’re all busy doing our thing and living our lives. But that shouldn’t mean you leave your friendships behind. There are many things you can do to stay close to your friends despite your busy work/family schedule. After all, it was Honest Abe who said, “The better part of one’s life consists of his friendships.”

ًWe know how much your friendships mean to you. So, we rounded up five simple ways to improve your relationships with friends.

Let’s get started.

Keep in Touch

Every friendship is different. Some friends you can see every week, while you can only catch up with other friends every other month.

Nothing is quite as great as spending some quality time with your friends. However, it’s not always easy to schedule frequent get-togethers. Luckily, there are ways to keep the friendship strong in the meantime.

Simple things like dropping a text with a ‘how’s your day going?’ or a smiley emoji. Then, several days later, when you have time, write out an email telling them about their week. Ask them to do the same.

Technology may have its drawbacks. But when it comes to keeping people connecting, it does a pretty good job.

Remember Important Dates

This should be a no-brainer. Even if your friend doesn’t make a big deal about their birthday. It’s important that you send a gift, a card, or even a funny GIF. People appreciate it when their friends take a little time out of their day to acknowledge them.

Again, technology helps out in this department as well. You can use Google Calendar to add in all the birthday dates. Then, to be extra vigilant, set a reminder a week in advance so you have time to organize a gift.

Be a Good Listener

We get caught up in our own world. We’re used to expressing our point of view and feelings that we often neglect the feelings of others.

To establish enduring friendships, you have to listen to your friends and respect their opinions. Ask open-ended questions and pay attention to what your friends are saying. This is one of the best ways you can build a lasting bond between you and your friends.

Equally important is maintaining eye-contact. Avoid holding your phone and nodding your head the whole time they’re talking.

You also need to acknowledge your friends’ feelings and needs. Be open to their suggestions and be willing to compromise at times.

Open Up

Sharing good news with your friends boosts the value of these events in your life. Having special people support you enriches your life and makes it more special. It also promotes trust and gratitude.

You should also share with your friends when you have a problem. Everyone likes having a support system, and your friendships will grow stronger because of it.

There’s no doubt your friends will appreciate your willingness to open up and share. They’ll be happy that you put your trust in them, just like they did when they needed a shoulder to cry on and you were there for them.

Do Nice Things for Your Friends

One way to show your appreciation and love for your friends is to do something nice for them. It’s a great way to show how much you value their friendship.

Helping your friends out is a great way to strengthen your friendship. Plus, we guarantee you’ll have a great time and make great memories in the meantime. Then, whenever you need some help, you’ll find your friends there for you.

To help you get started, here are a few ideas:

  • Compliment their skills or judgment
  • Throw them a celebratory party if they get a raise or a promotion
  • Help them set up a bookshelf
  • Fix a leaky faucet

The Takeaway

Personal relationships are vital for our happiness and health. Any person who’s happy and successful in their lives has several meaningful friendships in their lives.

Yet, because we’re so busy, we can sometimes take our friendships for granted. These five simple ways to improve your relationships with friends will guarantee that that never happens—no matter how hectic your schedule is.

Friends are a precious gift. So, make the most of even the smallest moments and show some gratitude for having them in your life.


Can Resentments Harm Relationships?

Resentment is the feeling that you’re being neglected, treated unfairly, or not getting the respect or appreciation you deserve. It’s been compared to drinking poison but waiting for the other person to die. It eats at you, sometimes for years on end, but the only one who suffers is you.

Here are 5 important tips to help you avoid one of the most toxic elements in any relationship we call resentment:

1. Ask, instead of assuming

We’re all busy, juggling many things at once, so much so that we take what’s important for granted, especially with those who are closest to us. Sometimes life gets in the way of us feeling cared for and loved, even to the point of living with personal integrity. 

We ignore what’s bothering us because it’s easier, hoping it’ll go away on its own or magically disappear into thin air. Yet ignoring issues like this doesn’t make them go away, it makes them grow until they’re too big to handle. That’s when the state of your relationship really starts to feel the weight of these problems. 

And you know it’s there, but you don’t know what to do about it. Many times, we don’t bring up certain issues because we’re afraid to confront our loved ones and shy away from conflicts. But by doing this, you’re pushing away your partner without actually realizing it and this is one way that resentment builds up.

2. Be part of the solution, not the problem

Putting blame won’t get you anywhere; in fact, most times it just makes things that much worse. Instead, work at overcoming your anger and hatred so you can reach an agreement. Showing empathy is a big part of this process, especially after an argument because it tells your partner that you understand how they feel and why they did so-and-so. Empathy really goes a long way.

woman touching her hair near trees
Be the solution….

3. Give each other some space

Early in your relationship, you can’t imagine going an hour without texting each other or hearing each others’ voices, let alone a whole day. But as you mature into the relationship, it’s wise to find something you enjoy doing on your own. 

This maintains your sense of self, while giving you something to chat about, so it’s a win-win. Taking some “me” time and distancing yourself could be something you do once a week, or once a month, the point is to make yourself a priority during that time so you came back into the relationship with fresh eyes and a sense of longing.

4. Don’t let small things grow and fester

man holding telephone screaming

Wouldn’t it be so much easier if your partner just apologized when appropriate? Life would be so simple and lovely, and a romance movie. But it’s not always like that. It’s normal to have arguments, big and small. 

Feeling anger and hurt on occasion is also alright. But don’t sit on these feelings, waiting for that perfect moment to let it all out. You and your partner should be each other’s supporter and shoulder to lean on through troubled times. Remember, you’re on the same team.

5. Communicate

Talking and listening requires a bit of vulnerability, which can be difficult at times, especially if you harbor feelings of mistrust or resentment. But there’s no way around it, opening up is crucial in a healthy relationship.

Talk honestly with your partner and ask to be really listened to. And it’s important to listen without judgment when it’s your turn to be attentive to your partner. Practicing these confidence-boosting techniques will bring you and your loved one closer together. 

It’ll also help break any barriers either one of you had put up as a defense mechanism because, let’s be honest, we have to be on our guards every time we leave the house, at work, at the mall, on the street. So why do we make it even harder on ourselves and keep our guard up even at home, with our partner?

Relationships need work and constant care. That’s where people make the mistake of forgetting about the small details of everyday life. We just say or do something without thinking it through. 

But the truth is it does matter and over time, some of these things linger and fester into something ugly that brings out the bad in everything, and ultimately suffocates any good relationship. Resolving issues before they get out of hand is the key to avoiding resentment and enjoying a happy, healthy relationship.