
5 Tips To Stop Stress Eating

Stress eating can happen to any of us during any stressful situation. Stressful eating happens when we are emotionally eating during stressful situations and turn to food for comfort. 

This is not a healthy way to deal with stress and will cause weight gain, depression, and low self-esteem. Here are 5 tips to end stressful eating so you can deal with stress in a healthier way to decrease your stress levels.

# Food Choices

The first tip to stop stressful eating is to eat healthy, during stressful times we turn to junk food for comfort such as chips, chocolate, candy and anything sweet. You can create a food diary to track your progress of what you eat, when you eat, and what times you are hungriest and to figure out what is your trigger food. 

You don’t want to eliminate all of your favorite foods because this will only tempt you more. But what you do want to do is to make healthier food choices, by swapping your junk food for healthy food you will feel better and eating healthy helps decrease your appetite and improve your overall health.

# Exercise

The second tip is to exercise, on average when people are stressed, they feel depressed and overwhelmed, exercising will help manage stress and keep you healthy. You don’t need to run to the gym or a treadmill, you can simply work out at home, go jogging, running, play a sport, or walking to help overcome this. 

This will help your overall health and exercising has been reported from studies to help have stress-busting benefits according to Mayo Clinic, it pumps your endorphins. The more physical activity you have the more production of your brain receives feel-good neurotransmitters called endorphins.

# Meditation

The third tip to end stressful eating is to meditate, meditation is a powerful tool used for stress, anxiety, and depression. Meditation will help lower your stress levels and bring you into a relaxed and soothing mood even if you only meditate for 5 minutes, you will feel a difference. It is best to meditate every day to help cope with stress. 

You can download the app Calm which has been recommended by many therapists to help with stress. This is a healthy and very effective way of dealing with stressful eating because you will have a new outlet to turn to instead of eating.

# Prevent Boredom

The fourth way to end stressful eating is to prevent boredom, aside from stressful situations many people turn to food and are unconsciously eating because they’re bored. To prevent boredom, do activities throughout your day. You can buy some art supplies from your local art store and you can paint, draw, try out pottery, knitting, or even sewing. 

There are so many things you can do to fill up your day no matter where you live. You can go out to the city, visit an art gallery, learn a new language, read a book, visit family or friends to help prevent boredom. It is important to prevent boredom because when your mind is preoccupied with something, your mind will not focus on eating unless necessary.  

# Support

We all need some support to get through stressful times, calling a friend or family member for support is a great option to help overcome stressful eating. In fact, some other options such as joining a support group or signing up for therapy will help you even more! 

Speaking to a professional you will be able to identify your stressors and food triggers, and you will create a plan that works best for you. Joining a support group is great because you will be surrounded by other people who are trying to overcome the same thing as you and you will have a team of supportive people on the same mission as you which will feel inspiring and uplifting.  

If you would like some support around stress eating – or anything else you are struggling with, book a free 30 session with me here.

Anxiety/Stress Mindset/Strenghts

Ways to Rest When You Deal with Burnout and Overwhelm

When people talk about mental health, you might assume it is only about severe stress or mental illnesses like anxiety and depression, but it can also be about your general mental state at any given time. This includes if you are overwhelmed in your life and facing burnout. 

It is just as important to rest when you have burnout as if you are dealing with a diagnosed mental health condition. Here are some tips for figuring out how to rest your mind and body.

Find Your Stressors

Before you can figure out how to get more rest when dealing with burnout, you need to first understand what is causing the overwhelm or burnout in the first place. This is in the form of your stressors or triggers.

A stressor or trigger is something that is causing you to feel more overwhelmed or anxious throughout the day. 

Is something in your life different right now?

Maybe your loved ones have been more demanding, you aren’t taking enough breaks, or work has gotten chaotic.

It can be anything from your job to your home life to the people you are around. Something as simple as falling behind on your daily journal can trigger burnout because you don’t have those few minutes to unleash all the thoughts in your head and stop obsessing over them.

Take a Break From Work if You Can

While this is not always an option, try to take a break from work in whatever form you are able to. This is of course a privilege not everyone has, but if you do, take advantage of it.

Take a mental health day where you don’t even think about work and might even get out of your house for a day. Take a long weekend or go on a short trip. 

If this isn’t an option, then try to lighten your work load. Figure out if you have any work tasks that can be delegated to other people, or if you can move your schedule around to have a few days a week that aren’t quite as hectic.

Learn How to Say No

Learning how to say no is a beautiful thing, and can benefit you in so many ways, beginning with helping you to rest from burnout. This might be personal obligations or people in your life who are always asking you for help, or work being more demanding. Burnout can happen in such subtle ways, where you think you’re just helping out a friend and don’t realize how much it is impacting your own life.

Find Ways to Practice Daily Self-Care

Self-care doesn’t need to be overly complicated or cost any money. It can be as simple as going for a walk after dinner, sitting in your office with the door closed during your lunch break, or reading a book in the evenings instead of watching TV. 


Warning Signs That You Are Headed for Burnout

People often say they have “burnout” just to describe any feeling of being stressed, overwhelmed, or overworked.

But the term is often used too generally, whereas real burnout is an actual state of complete emotional and mental exhaustion. 

If you don’t get help for your burnout, it can lead to a lot of negative consequences in your personal and professional life, and make it much harder to get out of. Here are some warning signs that you might be facing burnout.

It is Getting Harder to Complete Simple Tasks

When you complete the same task several times, you know approximately how long it takes you to complete and how difficult it is.

But when you suddenly take 2-3 times longer to finish that same task or you can’t seem to focus long enough to ever get it done, that is definitely a warning sign that something is wrong.

Don’t ignore these moments when it is hard to do even the simplest of things, that you used to breeze right through. Sometimes it may be a sign that something else is going on.

You Have Severe Mood or Behavioral Changes

There are many reasons to have mood shifts or behavioral changes, like stress and anxiety, but burnout can also be added to this list. You should never ignore changes with your mood, attitude, or behaviors.

Maybe you are falling back into unhealthy habits and it is becoming a crutch for dealing with your negative motions, or you are getting irritable and angry at your loved ones at the drop of a hat.

Sometimes, when you face burnout, the stress can overpower your logical thinking and it becomes harder to keep your cool.

Increase in Mental Health Problems

When you have burnout or overwhelm, you might notice that your other mental health disorders are also getting worse, like anxiety. Never ignore mental illnesses that seem to be getting worse, whether you are getting them treated or not. 

Lack of Energy or Severe Fatigue

Have you noticed that it takes all your energy just to take a shower or get in your car to run simple errands? Among other things, this could also be a warning sign of burnout.

If you have ruled out physical reasons for the fatigue or energy loss, it is time to consider your mental health and see if you might leading toward burnout. There are some practical ways to deal with your burnout.

No Interest in Social Activities

You might also find that you don’t have much interest in anything you used to enjoy. This can apply to relaxing at night and watching TV, reading, spending time with friends, or creative projects.

Keep in mind this can also be a warning sign for depression, and many people experience both depression and burnout at the same time. 

Finally, remember burnout does not need to be a life sentence. It can feel insurmountable, however it’s your body’s way of telling you that something needs to be fixed.