
Identifying Your Negative Automatic Thought Patterns

When you want to change something about your life, the first step is to change the way you think. But this can sometimes be a challenging feat, because first you need to know what thoughts you need to eliminate. Below are some common negative thought patterns which can help you identify negative thoughts in your own mind and remove them from your life.

Any Thought In Which You Think Negatively Of Yourself

You will likely come across a number of challenges or difficulties in your life which you must work through. And sometimes, when you are working through them, the method you have chosen may not work.

In the same way, you will also make mistakes in your life. In either of these examples, you may find yourself thinking negatively about yourself. And this is a negative automatic thought pattern. No matter what has happened, you are never a failure, stupid, or any other variation of the words, so stop any thought of the sort in their path right now. 

Stop Anything That Has To Do With Jumping To Conclusions

You probably already know that jumping to conclusions is never a good thing. And whenever you assume the outcome of something without knowing all the details, you are jumping to conclusions and this is a negative thought pattern. 

This is because these conclusions can often be negative, or cause you to react negatively to a situation which may not even have occurred yet. Stop these thoughts by reminding yourself to slow down and wait until you have all the information to proceed. 

Also remember that assuming you know what someone is thinking, or assuming you know the future, both fall under jumping to conclusions. Thoughts along either of these paths are also negative thought patterns which should be stopped by reminding yourself to investigate to find the truth than making assumptions on what you don’t know. 

Don’t Remove Or Disqualify The Positive

Whatever situation you may find yourself in, there is always a positive side. And sometimes, you may choose to remove the positive side and instead fixate on the negatives. This is clearly a negative thought process. 

In the same manner, if you recognize the positive side then think it will never happen to you, this is disqualifying the positive and it is also a thought which must be avoided. Instead, remind yourself to focus on the positive and let all the negative details fall away. 

Stop Any Thought About Blowing Things Out Of Proportion

As previously mentioned, you will make mistakes and face challenges in your life. That is life. But when something unplanned happens, you should be able to deal with it calmly and rationally. If you find yourself catastrophizing, this is an especially dangerous thought pattern which can quickly grow out of control depending on your imagination. This is why it is best to avoid thinking about the what ifs at all. 

So, when you are faced with a situation which seems to grow within your mind, remind yourself to focus on the here and now and that you don’t know what will happen. This will help you keep a more level head as you work to overcome your challenge or mistake. 

Of course, these aren’t all the negative thought patterns which could exist in your mind. And any thought which repeats over and over, and causes you anxiety or stress, is probably a negative thought pattern and should be avoided. If you want to live a more happy and positive life, you first you must work to identify the negative thoughts in your mind, and learn to replace them with more positive methods of thinking

Mindset/Strenghts Resilience Self Care

5 Key Benefits Of Humor And Laughter For Your Wellbeing

You may have heard that laughter is the best medicine. While psychologists have determined that humor is a coping mechanism for stress, additional research into the science of humor and laughter has found that they are also good for your wellbeing. 

There are five key benefits of humor and laughter that can make you happier and healthier.

More Oxygen

Your body uses oxygen to create energy to move. As your cells use oxygen, they create carbon dioxide.  Your lungs need to exhale or push out the carbon dioxide so you can get more oxygen.  The better your breathing, the more oxygen you breathe in or inhale to circulate throughout your body.  

According to the American Lung Association, when you laugh, your lungs expand to push out more carbon dioxide and let more oxygen into them.  Deeper breaths mean more oxygen for energy.  In a study in the International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, researchers found that laughing reduced trapped carbon dioxide in the lungs of people with pulmonary disease.  People with lung issues often have difficulty expelling carbon dioxide, making their breathing less effective.  

More oxygen can help you feel more energetic and alert.  More energy improves your ability to do things and benefits your wellbeing.

Reduce Pain

In a study at the University of Oxford, researchers found that humor and laughter reduce pain sensation. Your body produces endorphins, which are natural chemicals that are responsible for making you feel happy.  Endorphins also decrease the pain response.  In this study, 15 minutes of watching a humorous show increased the pain threshold by 10%.  

Endorphins are produced during physical activity and exercise.  A typical example is a “runner’s high” or the euphoria an athlete gets while running.  Scientists believe that laughter is an exercise for the abdominal muscles.  When you laugh, you breathe deeper, using your muscles more.  This creates endorphins that help you tolerate pain and improve your wellbeing.

Improved Immune System Function

Your immune system works to protect you against harmful germs. If you are exposed to germs, your immune system produces white blood cells to fight against germs and illness.  Your immune system also creates antibodies, so if you are exposed to that germ again, your body is ready to fight it off.  

In the 1970s, research published in the New England Journal of Medicine described how a patient with an autoimmune disorder, or dysfunctional immune system, used humor and laughter to treat his condition into remission.  Further studies at the Loma Linda University’s Schools of Allied Health have shown that laughter boosts the production of germ-fighting cells and antibodies.  Researchers also found that laughter increased cells’ ability to destroy cancer tumors.

Being sick reduces your wellbeing when you don’t feel well and cannot do what you want and need to do.  Humor and laughter improve your immune system function and help your overall wellbeing.

Fights Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are linked to stress. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety is the most common mental illness and affects over 40 million adults in the United States.  Anxiety and depression are often diagnosed together, with over half the people with one condition also having the other.  Anxiety and depression negatively affect a person’s wellbeing and quality of life.

Many studies have shown that humor and laughter relieve stress and decrease the risk for anxiety and depression.  In a Plos One study, researchers found that the more a person laughed, the less stress they reported feeling.

Better Bonding

In a study at the University of North Carolina, researchers found that shared laughter signals people to believe they have the same viewpoint and boosts their sense of connection. 

According to the American Psychological Association, social isolation, and lack of meaningful bonds with others decrease a person’s wellbeing by affecting their:

  • Sleep
  • Cognitive Function
  • Health

Humor and laughter help create and strengthen bonds, improving your wellbeing.  Laughter really is the best medicine.  

Anxiety/Stress Mindset/Strenghts

Ways to Rest When You Deal with Burnout and Overwhelm

When people talk about mental health, you might assume it is only about severe stress or mental illnesses like anxiety and depression, but it can also be about your general mental state at any given time. This includes if you are overwhelmed in your life and facing burnout. 

It is just as important to rest when you have burnout as if you are dealing with a diagnosed mental health condition. Here are some tips for figuring out how to rest your mind and body.

Find Your Stressors

Before you can figure out how to get more rest when dealing with burnout, you need to first understand what is causing the overwhelm or burnout in the first place. This is in the form of your stressors or triggers.

A stressor or trigger is something that is causing you to feel more overwhelmed or anxious throughout the day. 

Is something in your life different right now?

Maybe your loved ones have been more demanding, you aren’t taking enough breaks, or work has gotten chaotic.

It can be anything from your job to your home life to the people you are around. Something as simple as falling behind on your daily journal can trigger burnout because you don’t have those few minutes to unleash all the thoughts in your head and stop obsessing over them.

Take a Break From Work if You Can

While this is not always an option, try to take a break from work in whatever form you are able to. This is of course a privilege not everyone has, but if you do, take advantage of it.

Take a mental health day where you don’t even think about work and might even get out of your house for a day. Take a long weekend or go on a short trip. 

If this isn’t an option, then try to lighten your work load. Figure out if you have any work tasks that can be delegated to other people, or if you can move your schedule around to have a few days a week that aren’t quite as hectic.

Learn How to Say No

Learning how to say no is a beautiful thing, and can benefit you in so many ways, beginning with helping you to rest from burnout. This might be personal obligations or people in your life who are always asking you for help, or work being more demanding. Burnout can happen in such subtle ways, where you think you’re just helping out a friend and don’t realize how much it is impacting your own life.

Find Ways to Practice Daily Self-Care

Self-care doesn’t need to be overly complicated or cost any money. It can be as simple as going for a walk after dinner, sitting in your office with the door closed during your lunch break, or reading a book in the evenings instead of watching TV.