Fresh Start Personal Growth

7 Significant Benefits to Trying New Things

When you make it a goal to try something new, you may not realize why you’re setting out to do something new in the first place. There is a slew of benefits that come along from incorporating “new” into your life; here are 7 of them: 

Learn New Things 

If you never try new things, how will you learn new things? Think about an activity you’ve never tried before. You probably don’t know much about it, right? As soon as you put yourself out there and try it out, though, you’ll probably learn a lot more about it. 

Get Rid of Boredom 

Boredom is the worst – we all can attest. When you’re trying out new projects, new places, new people, etc., that boredom slips by the wayside. Keep your brain engaged, and you won’t have to deal with monotony creeping in. 

More Stories to Tell

As you try new things and meet new people, you accumulate more stories about your adventures. Whether it’s a funny story or a scary story, your stories become part of who you are. What a great perk!  

Get a New Perspective 

Sometimes, you need to sit in another area of the room to change your perspective – similarly, you need to try new things to change your perspective on life. 


Let’s face it – we spend a lot of time with ourselves. A whole entire lifetime, in fact. So if you do the same thing day in and day out, you probably won’t see many different sides to yourself. Self-discovery leads to many great attributes – confidence, self-awareness, perceptiveness, to name a few. 

Gain Confidence 

Why fly when you can soar? You can amount to great things by simply expanding your horizons and trying new things. Time after time, you’ll begin to gain a new sense of confidence in yourself and your capabilities. 

Experience Life to the Fullest

There’s a reason why people say you only have one life to live. If you take this sentiment to heart, you’ll want to get as many experiences out of life as you possibly can. That begins with your habits – your day-to-day life. When you push yourself out of your comfort zone, you’ll gain more of these experiences. Who knows what you could learn about yourself or your life? You’ll have to try to find out! 

Fresh Start Personal Growth

7 Steps to Your Personal Plan for Flipping the Switch

Flipping your switch can seem like a massive undertaking. One that there are a million different ways to achieve if all the articles on the internet have anything to say about it.

However, flipping your switch is a personal undertaking, one that may have similar milestones for everyone, but really can and should be curtailed to a person’s needs in order to be successful. Keep reading for the 7 steps you need to personalize to flip your own switch.

Find an Activity that Challenges You

The activity that will most help you flip your own switch is the one that challenges you. Not your neighbor or your sibling. But you. This could be as simple as folding an entire basket of laundry in one sitting or the Sunday morning crossword in pen!

Commit to yourself

Whatever challenge you’re undertaking, you’re doing it for you. Make a promise to yourself that you will try your hardest and not give up when the going gets tough.

Set Realistic Goals

Make sure your goals are attainable. You aren’t going to fold all the laundry that you do on Sunday by the end of Sunday. But maybe you could at least hang up the stuff that will wrinkle. Or perhaps you will only use a pen on the crossword answers you feel 100% certain about, pencil on the rest.

Turn off the T.V. (or the Internet) In General

Get rid of the useless distractions. That show is not going to help you concentrate or make time go faster, so just don’t. You can’t flip your switch on one activity if your brain is partially paying attention to another.

Remove Interruptions

Kids, phones, whatever. Do your best to remove the interruptions that you know will crop up. 

Track Your Progress

Find an easy way (read: not time-consuming, expensive, or labor-intensive) to track your progress. Sometimes this is a calendar to check off days. For others, maybe you need to journal about your feelings, how it went, or your next goal to achieve.

Enjoy Your Experiences

Enjoy what you’re doing and the experiences you are having. Remember, it’s the journey that is important, not the destination. fresh start

Learning to flip your switch is a process, not a one-day training online. It will take time and practice to find out exactly what it takes for you to be in the zone.

Personal Growth

What to Do if Your Current Routine Isn’t Working

If you have been following a daily routine but it isn’t working, there could be a lot of reasons why. Rather than giving up, there are things you can do to revamp your routine to make it more effective. Below, you’ll discover what to do if your current routine isn’t working.

Discover the Reason

It can really help if you identify why your current routine isn’t working.

Is there a specific area you struggle with?

For example, your routine may require you to exercise early in the morning. However, this may make you feel even more tired, rather than energized. It would then cause you to struggle with the rest of your routine.

It could also be that you have changed since you first created your routine. Once you know why your routine isn’t working, you can take steps to rectify it.

Depending on the issue, you may need to change something about yourself, your expectations, or the tools and equipment you use.

Tailor Your Routine

Is your routine currently tailored specifically to your needs? If not, that could be a key reason why it isn’t working. Many people make the mistake of copying somebody else’s routine. While some things may work well for you too, others may not. When you are trying to follow somebody else’s routine, you will fail every time.

So, if your routine isn’t yet customized, spend time tailoring it to match your needs. Look at what specifically isn’t working and what you could do instead. 

Investigate Free Tools

These days, there are lots of free tools to help in all areas of life. If you are struggling with time management, even with a routine, you could utilize time management tools for example. 

Look for anything that makes your routine easier. What can you do to streamline the tasks on your daily to-do list? If you can utilize free tools to take care of daily tasks quicker, it will free up more time for you.

Incorporate Flexibility

If your current daily routine is too strict, it could be a reason why it isn’t working. You need to leave room for choices in your routine. Switch it up sometimes so you don’t get bored. Boredom is the number one killer of daily routines. While there is bound to be some level of monotony, daily routines can be tweaked to match your daily needs and preferences. 

Change Your Routine

How do you currently record your daily routine? Changing it up could help you to make it more effective. Rather than simply using a to-do list, schedule your routine into your life in different ways. When you schedule something in, you are more likely to complete the routine or task.

As you can see, there are many things you can try if your daily routine isn’t currently working for you. Your needs and preferences change over time, making a point to assess your routine monthly and adjust your routines to reflect your progress and needs. By making small changes when needed, you’ll find it is much easier to stay on track, as well as modify the routines.