Fresh Start

5 Tips For Making a Fresh Start in Life

You might be feeling a bit nervous if you’re facing a new phase in your life. Will it work out?

Was this the right decision?

Whether it’s a new job or a new relationship, here some tips for making the most of your fresh start.

Don’t Fear Failure

Fear of failure is America’s number one fear. Many people are so scared they’ll mess up, they never try anything new.

And that’s a real shame because unless you take a few risks, you won’t get anywhere, and you’ll never reach your true potential.

Reframe failure as a lesson in what not to do next time. If you make a mistake or something doesn’t work out, you’re a step closer to success. Learn and move on. 

Talk to People

Be open to new possibilities when talking to people you don’t know. You may or may not be aware that most opportunities that come our way come from outside our usual network.

From a casual conversation in the coffee queue to chatting to the person in the next seat at a conference dinner, you never know who you’re about to connect with and where that connection might lead. Be approachable, be polite, and make new friends. 

Know What You Stand For

Whether you’re aware of it or not, you have your own set of personal values.

Are you familiar with your core beliefs?

What about you life purpose – have you identified it?

Make yourself aware of your values so you can align your actions and steps as you focus on your path forward. See it as your own personal roadmap to guide you.

Be Aware of Your Personal Biases

Successful people don’t let their personal opinions get in the way of achieving their goals. Your opinions are not the same as your values. Values are the bedrock of what’s important in your life. You can have an opinion about sports or politics or how you prefer your steak, but don’t confuse views with what’s best for you. If a nontraditional opportunity comes up, think it through and work out if it’s in your best interest. 

Celebrate Your Successes

It’s essential to celebrate the milestones as you check them off on the way to achieving your goals. Celebrating small successes keeps your motivation and your energy high. It also makes those big life goals seem a bit less daunting. High-five yourself for everything you check off your to-do list, and you’ll soon find yourself celebrating the big wins. 

Fresh Start Personal Growth

7 Steps to Your Personal Plan for Flipping the Switch

Flipping your switch can seem like a massive undertaking. One that there are a million different ways to achieve if all the articles on the internet have anything to say about it.

However, flipping your switch is a personal undertaking, one that may have similar milestones for everyone, but really can and should be curtailed to a person’s needs in order to be successful. Keep reading for the 7 steps you need to personalize to flip your own switch.

Find an Activity that Challenges You

The activity that will most help you flip your own switch is the one that challenges you. Not your neighbor or your sibling. But you. This could be as simple as folding an entire basket of laundry in one sitting or the Sunday morning crossword in pen!

Commit to yourself

Whatever challenge you’re undertaking, you’re doing it for you. Make a promise to yourself that you will try your hardest and not give up when the going gets tough.

Set Realistic Goals

Make sure your goals are attainable. You aren’t going to fold all the laundry that you do on Sunday by the end of Sunday. But maybe you could at least hang up the stuff that will wrinkle. Or perhaps you will only use a pen on the crossword answers you feel 100% certain about, pencil on the rest.

Turn off the T.V. (or the Internet) In General

Get rid of the useless distractions. That show is not going to help you concentrate or make time go faster, so just don’t. You can’t flip your switch on one activity if your brain is partially paying attention to another.

Remove Interruptions

Kids, phones, whatever. Do your best to remove the interruptions that you know will crop up. 

Track Your Progress

Find an easy way (read: not time-consuming, expensive, or labor-intensive) to track your progress. Sometimes this is a calendar to check off days. For others, maybe you need to journal about your feelings, how it went, or your next goal to achieve.

Enjoy Your Experiences

Enjoy what you’re doing and the experiences you are having. Remember, it’s the journey that is important, not the destination. fresh start

Learning to flip your switch is a process, not a one-day training online. It will take time and practice to find out exactly what it takes for you to be in the zone.