
Become Your Own Cheerleader – Talk To Yourself

Does talking to yourself sound like a weird idea? It’s really not. Talking to yourself is not only a common occurrence but is ubiquitous. Every human being talks to themselves all the time!

Surprised? It’s true. Most people just don’t notice it. You have a torrent of thoughts running through your head at all times, or at least while you’re awake. This cascade is called your self-talk. Almost all of it concerns yourself -who you are, what you are, what you want for lunch, the itch on the back of your right ankle.

It’s the former things that are important where self-confidence is concerned, of course. What you say to yourself matters. It can build your self-image up or tear it down. That’s why techniques such as affirmations work -they directly target what you say to yourself.

If you want to improve your self-confidence, you need to take charge of this stream of thoughts, at least as much as possible. Don’t depend on your unconscious to do it for you. Become your own cheerleader.

How do you do this? Start purposefully talking to yourself. It doesn’t need to be aloud; talking to yourself silently is often as effective. Tell yourself good things about yourself. You’re a good person. You’re competent and capable. You can do whatever you want. You’re a good parent/employee/spouse/etc.

Make these things as specific as possible. If you’re currently trying to master a new skill, talk about how well you can do it and how quickly you’re learning. If you’re studying for a test, tell yourself how good you’re going to do.

Emphasize the attributes you’re working to improve. Tell yourself you’re doing a good job, that you’re trying hard, that you’ll make it. When you fail, don’t berate yourself. Be understanding, kind, and gentle. Know that you tried your best, worked hard, and will get it next time.

If it helps, see yourself as the coach or the parent of someone you’re trying to help. Does putting someone down or being negative help them improve? Of course not. So why would it help you? It won’t, of course. It will just make things worse. Treat yourself as you would want someone else to treat you.

Do this all the time. You don’t have to wait until something difficult or stressful comes up. Talk to yourself daily. Become your own best friend and a cheerleader any football team would envy. Your self-confidence will soar.


Speaking Affirmations And Power Poses To Help Build Your Confidence

Affirmations and power poses are a quick way to boost your confidence temporarily before an important event such as a job interview or a big meeting. You can build your confidence permanently using affirmations as well if you practice them regularly.

Here’s how to use these techniques.

Speaking Affirmations

Find a quiet place with a mirror. Look yourself in the eye and repeat any (or all) of these affirmations several times. Speaking them aloud is preferable, but if you can’t find a place where you can be alone and don’t want people to hear, repeat them silently.

I can do this.

I am confident.

I am capable of great things.

I am growing and becoming a better version of myself.

I deserve everything I want from life.

I am competent, capable, and intelligent.

Power Poses

Power poses are ways of standing or sitting that increase your confidence and make you feel like you can take on the world. Check out the following and try them out:

The LBJ -Find a nearby item at waist height, such as a table or chair. Place your hands on it and lean slightly forward. This pose increases your confidence while giving you a sense of power and control over the room.

The Vanna White -Gesture with open arms towards something you are emphasizing. This draws attention and makes you feel in charge, increasing your confidence.

The Standing Power Pose -Stand up straight, hold your head upright, keep your feet planted firmly on the ground, slightly apart, and hold your arms open. This makes you feel and look confident without being intimidating and is good to use in a meeting where you’re a junior person.

The Sitting Power Pose -Sit in the chair with your lumbar curve straight and your head upright. Both your feet should be firmly on the ground. Keep the rest of your posture “open” instead of closed. Do not cross your arms. Look the speaker in the eyes. This is a great pose to use for job interviews.

These are just a few of the many speaking affirmations and power poses you can use to boost your confidence. Not all are applicable or appropriate in every situation (the LBJ isn’t a great one to use for job interviews, for example) and not all of them will work for you. Try them and see which ones you find work best for your personality and situation.

Mindset/Strenghts Personal Growth

5 Tips To Stop Avoiding Your Problems

According to VeryWellMind,”Procrastination, passive-aggressiveness, and rumination are examples of unhelpful coping mechanisms that we may consciously or unconsciously use to avoid tackling a tough issue or facing thoughts and feelings that are uncomfortable.”

The world is a difficult place. Things are moving quicker than ever before, and issues appear to erupt from nowhere. Each day, we fight a plethora of conflicts, and it’s all too easy to become exhausted. 

The turmoil might drive a person to flee from the troubles they are experiencing. Regrettably, if you strive to do this all the time, you’ll spend your whole life running and hiding from your problems. 

They will ultimately sneak up to you. So, how can we successfully tackle our issues and move toward a future where we are no longer afraid of them? Here are some ideas to help you quit running away from your troubles.

Divide Your Problems Into Tiny Steps

Greenberg, author of the book The Stress-Proof Brain, advises working through the easiest phases first after splitting the problem into manageable sections. 

She gives the following example when you are putting off looking for a new job. You divide this large process into “updating your résumé, finding and contacting references, studying the positions you desire, speaking with individuals you know who work in the field, and so on.”

Make Use Of Your Support System

Our support network is an underappreciated asset. Do you feel alone? Do you feel overwhelmed by your problems and cannot find an anchor? Do you get the impression that no one cares about you and that no one is eager to assist you? 

If you do, you should have a look around. I am confident that there is someone who would be delighted to assist you in overcoming this obstacle. Remember that we encounter a slew of issues on a daily basis. There is no need for you to believe that you must solve all of them on your own. This might lead to feelings of stress, which can contribute to you fleeing from your problems.

If your support system is lacking then get to work! Reach out and create one that works for you. 

Make A Plan

According to Lifehack, “If you’re asking yourself how to stop running away from problems, one thing to think about is whether or not you have a plan. Have you thought about how you’ll tackle the issue? Often, we run from our problems because we don’t know how to solve them. However, just because we don’t know how to confront the issue right now and it seems overwhelming, doesn’t mean that we can’t spend some time to process it and come up with a solution. Taking some time to learn about the problem and how others have overcome it in the past is a great way to start. Wherever you go for information, make sure that your sources are accurate.”

Make Yourself Accountable

For example, if you’re attempting to better manage your spending and food intake, you should keep track of how much you eat you’re spending and what you’re spending it on. 

Ask others to help you be accountable. Share your goals with others and the steps you are taking to work through your problems. Ask these people to keep an eye out and ask you about your progress. And make sure that you update them about your progress on your own. 

Running Away Is Not A Viable Long-Term Solution

This is most likely the most crucial aspect of learning how to quit running away from issues. It’s admitting that fleeing isn’t a long-term option. And no matter what time or far you flee, you can never really run from your problems. 

Running away from problems is a common way for us to try to avoid them; it’s a protective strategy. Running, however, does not completely shield us from anything. Avoidance solves none of our problems. It has never done so in the past, and it will never do so in the future. 

Facing our problems is the only way to solve them. This may take time, courage, effort and commitment, but in the end, they are solved and no longer a burden on your emotional and mental health. And, as an added super bonus, overcoming those problems helps you to build inner strength and resilience.