Personal Growth

Journaling Techniques for a Better You

Are you interested in learning the best journaling techniques you can utilise for a better you? There are so many great techniques you can focus on, and each has their own pros and cons. 

The main thing to remember when searching for the best technique, is that what works for somebody else may not work for you. We are all unique so find what works the best for you.

Experimenting with different techniques will help you to see which one works better. With that said, there are some journaling techniques known to be more effective for personal growth.

Here are a few of the best journaling topics and techniques to use for a better you.

# Gratitude

Potentially the best technique you can use for personal growth, is gratitude journaling. This involves writing down the things that you are grateful for each day. And everyone can find something to be grateful for.

Studies have shown that keeping a daily gratitude journal can alter your mindset in just 21 days. It teaches you to be more positive about life and to be grateful for the things that you have. 

It is common in life to only focus on the things we want and the things we don’t have. By switching to thinking about the positive things already in our lives, it helps to make us happier and content.

# Dreams

A dream journal may sound like an odd tool to boost personal growth. However, studies have shown that keeping a dream journal can help to improve your mindset.

A clear link has been discovered between dreams and mental development. The emotions you experience in your dreams can relate to your mind’s ability to cope with and process information. It is thought that the skills we learn while we are awake, come out stronger in our dreams.

So, if you want to recognize emotions, traits, and fears that you may have, looking at your dreams can give you the clues you need to change.

Start recording you dreams by writing them down in your journal as soon as you wake up before you forget . You can then go back over them later to see what they could mean.

# Goals/Visions

Another popular journaling technique is to write about your goals and visions.

A goal setting journal is potentially one of the best ways to better yourself. You can use it to work on absolutely anything that you want to change.

It could be you want to become more cultured by traveling more. Or maybe you want to lose weight and get generally healthier? Whatever part of yourself you are trying to improve; a goal or vision journal can prove invaluable.

With a goal journal, you basically write down your goals and then track your progress.

With vision journals, you use them to write about your dream life. They also tend to be more visual. For example, you would add pictures of things you want to achieve in your dream life.

As you can see, there are a few different types of journaling you can utilize. The above are just three of the best techniques you can use to better yourself. 

Personal Growth

When is the Best Time to Journal?

According to some experts, journaling at specific times can help to make the practice more effective.

However, when you research the best time to journal, you’ll find a lot of contradictory advice. Some claim you should always do it in the morning, while others say journaling at night is better.

The truth is there is no set time that works better for everyone. The best time for somebody else might not be the best time for you. Therefore, it is a good idea to compare the benefits of writing in the morning and evening. That way, you can better decide which is right for you. 

# Pros And Cons Of Journaling In The Morning

The most popular time of day recommended for journaling is the morning. Doing it as soon as you wake up can deliver a few great benefits. The pros of journaling in the morning include:

  • It helps you to set good intentions for the day ahead.
  • You can better recall your dreams.
  • It can kickstart the brain, making you more focused.
  • You’ll find it easier to make progress.

So, writing in the morning is ideal for those who are using the dream journaling technique, or those who want to be more proactive during the day. As fewer things are likely to crop up first thing in the morning, it also ensures you stick to your journaling routine. 

So, what about the cons of journaling in the morning? Well, events won’t be as fresh in your mind as you’ll be recalling things from the day before. Your mind is also groggier in the morning, so you may not be able to come up with solutions to any problems you are facing. 

# Pros And Cons Of Journaling In The Evening

Journaling in the evening can also deliver some unique benefits. They include:

  • You can debrief your day.
  • It can help you to destress.
  • You may sleep better.
  • Creativity often increases in the evening.

When you journal at night, the events of the day are still fresh in your mind. You will be able to analyze them and get them out of your head before bed. This in turn will help you to sleep much better. You may also find it easier to write in your journal in the evenings if you are more of a night owl. This is where your creativity will be highest. 

Of course, there are downsides to writing in the evenings too. Some people find they have trouble sleeping if they try and journal before bed. This is because thinking about your problems right before you go to sleep can get them stuck in your mind. It can also cause you to stay up later than you should if you write for longer one day for example.

When trying to determine which time is better to journal, consider the pros and cons of each option. You should also think about your own lifestyle and where journaling can best slot into it. The right time for somebody else may not be the best time for you. 

Mindset/Strenghts Personal Growth Self Care

Treat Yourself As You Would A Friend

Would it surprise you if I told you that one of the best ways to gain a positive and optimistic outlook is by practicing some self -compassion. 

Frequently people confuse self-compassion with self-indulgence or even selfishness. But being kind to yourself is just as important as being kind to others, if not more so. 

1 Self-Compassion Makes You More Optimistic

Being kind to yourself means you can stop that vicious cycle of self-blame and recrimination. It prevents you from ruminating on past mistakes and builds your resilience and confidence so you can pick yourself up and get back on track. 

When you start giving yourself more kindness and encouragement, you will find you mood lifts, your anxiety levels drop and you will become more hopeful and optimistic about the future.

2 Cultivate Mindfulness

Perhaps the best way to start your self-compassion practice is to adopt a more mindful attitude to life. Being mindful focuses on the now – accepting where you are right now in life and accepting yourself as you are right now. With all your faults and all your glory. Accept that whatever you’re experiencing and feeling in the present moment is okay. 

Mindfulness and self-compassion help you to overcome denial and hesitation in your reality. It allows space for hope to come in. 

3 Accept that Hard Times Are Part of the Deal

We all have good time, bad times and hard times. Often the bad things that happen are out of your control. All you can do is decide how you’re going to react. Will you be overwhelmed, or will you be angry? Or will you accept and learn from your experiences, and then formulate a plan to start over?

In times of fear or illness or natural disasters or any other of life’s stressors, self-compassion allows you to take guilt or blame out of the equation and deal with whatever you’re faced with. 

4 Treat Yourself As You Would A Friend

Some and pause for a moment to reflect on your reactions. What is your self-talk saying to you? Are you reassuring yourself that things will work out okay, or are you beating yourself up for something you did or didn’t do? Would you talk to your best friend like that? How would they feel?

Be as gentle in your self-talk as you would to a loved one who is in crisis. Be loving and kind, and reassuring. Give you self some compassion and some encouragement so you can help yourself get back on track towards better times.